Chemical structure
Product Name
CAS no.
YN250349 FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride 1149348-10-6
FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride is a potent and broad-spectrum inhibitor with inhibitory activity against multiple viruses. FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride is active againstEbola,Rift Valley and Dengue Fever viruseswith EC50s of 100nM...
YN250322 DDX3-IN-1 1919828-83-3
DDX3-IN-1 (Compound 16f) is a DEAD-box polypeptide 3 (DDX3) inhibitor withCC50s of 50 and 36μM forHIV and HCV, respectively. Antiviral activity.
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