Chemical structure
Product Name
CAS no.
YN360528 Lesinurad 878672-00-5
Lesinurad is a selective uric acid reabsorption inhibitor (SURI) under investigation for treatment of gout in combination with xanthine oxidase inhibitors.
YN360529 Lesinurad sodium 1151516-14-1
Lesinurad (Selexipag, RDEA-594) sodium (Zurampic) is a selective uric acid reabsorption inhibitor (SURI) under investigation for treatment of gout. Lesinurad sodium inhibits the uric acid transporter URAT1 and ...
YN360231 Dotinurad 1285572-51-1
Dotinurad is a potent and selective urate reabsorption inhibitor. Dotinurad inhibits urate transporter 1 (URAT1) with an IC50 value of 37.2nM. Dotinurad acts as a uricosuric agent.
YN360589 Verinurad 1352792-74-5
Verinurad (RDEA3170) is a high-affinity inhibitor of the URAT1 transporter with an IC50 of 25 nM for inhibiting transport activity of human URAT1. It inhibits the related URAT1 homologs OAT4 and OAT1 with approxi...
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