Chemical structure
Product Name
CAS no.
YN370919 Mepazine hydrochloride 2975-36-2
Mepazine hydrochloride (Pecazine hydrochloride) is a potent and selectiveMALT1protease inhibitor with IC50s of 0.83 and 0.42μM for GSTMALT1 full length and GSTMALT1 325-760, respectively. Mepazine hydrochlorid...
YN370956 MALT1 inhibitor MI-2 1047953-91-2
MI-2 (MALT1 inhibitor) is an irreversible MALT1 inhibitor with IC50 of 5.84 μM.
MLT-748 is a potent, selective and allosteric inhibitor ofMALT1, binds MALT1 in the allosteric Trp580 pocket, with an IC50 of 5nM.
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